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Diabetic control and calorie reduction when having cancer

Diabetic control:      

There are others theories about sugar that increase cancer risk. Lots of study were done, one convincing finding surfaced. It shows when the sugar level is high in the blood , insulin becomes high, so are insulin-like hormones called insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1). It has to be made along with insulin, once the insulin gene is activated. Both can cause cancer to grow in animal models. Normal people with high levels of them has more chance for cancer, as studies showed. But I still think sugar is more important as a fuel. Without sugar, how canthose cancer cells grow? This seems to be a more natural, but important way of controlling cancer growth.

Explanation based on nature has a chance of being truer than laboratory findings or logical derivations. This is real life, a natural world of living things, not a world with neat-fitting theories. So may be sugar level is way more important than the IGF-1, which definitely was well proven. But is this the real thing? Is this enough in nature. Do cancer cells rejoice on seeing IGF-1?

Visit this website: mesothelioma lawyer to find more info on the subject.

This opinion is not intended as an offensive. Two years of molecular oncology study has convinced me biology is mechanical. Sugar feeding cancer cells, is really so mechanical, but  at the same time, so real and so potentially damaging.


CALORIE REDUCTION: And real life stories.

How about calorie reduction diet? Does it prolong life? It does, this fact, that cancers need extra energy was brought home to me in the 1970's when I was a radiation therapy technologist. In Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, patients were patted on the shoulder in the waiting room, when it is their turn to take radiation therapy. So I went into the waiting room to fetch each patient about 20 to 30 times everyday for years. In the waiting room, in the early 70's, when nutritional supplements were being studied to help patients fight cancer, everyone was holding a can of nutritional drink in the waiting room. That sight was very familiar. But later, all of a sudden, I found an absolute absence of the "Ensure" can in the waiting room. Ensure was a popular nutritional supplement of those days. Why did patients no longer drink nutritional drinks,  all of a sudden? I got no answers. But I overheard with my sneaky ears, "Cancers grow on them". Later on in my career, I always advised patients about the reduced calorie diet.